Dressup.ge - Autumn Campaign

For those who prioritize self-expression, autumn holds more significance than merely being a season. It represents a period of self-discovery and reinvention. And one of the primary avenues for self-expression lies in one's individual style, crafted through clothing and unique accessories.

Given our commitment to constantly fostering individualism and the courage to stand out, we decided to delve into the diverse perspectives on autumn by engaging with a wide array of individuals as part of our autumn campaign.

The campaign featured five prominent actors: Nino Kasradze, Dato Gorgiladze, Lasha Mebuke, Manu Tavadze, and Mariam Mdivani. These five individuals share the commonality of being recognizable to the public eye, yet, in reality, they differ significantly from one another in terms of age, style, personality, and, most importantly, their distinct interpretations of autumn.

We firmly believe that each person is super unique, with their own set of hopes, nostalgia, and a profound sense of identity. And we believe that this uniqueness finds its most authentic expression in one's individual style.

This is the main message of our campaign: "Create your fall" – meaning, craft your identity precisely as you truly are, and, most importantly, express it boldly and unequivocally.

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