Dressup Card – Growing discount, Bonus system and Additional Offers for every loyal customer of the Group.
Last updated: 02.10.2016
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Make shopping twice as pleasant
Accumulation and Discount Card has been created for loyal customers of Dressup Group. The main objective of the card is to appreciate and create more comfort for our loyal customers, who have been forming their own, individual dressing style with Dressup Group.
Owners of Dressup Card are offered ongoing and growing discounts on new collections, collect points on purchases while also benefit from additional offers, which will be made exclusively for loyal customers.
There are two types of Dressup Cards: Standard and Premium. Standard Card is available for any loyal customer, whereas holders of Premium Card become the most loyal customers of the group after they pass the final level of accumulated acquirements. View chart #1
Swipe Dressup Card with any purchase, collect points and benefit from discounts in any of the following stores; Levi’s, Guess, Lacoste, Tommy Jeans, Kid's Gallery, Jack & Jones, Greyder, GANT, Lee & Wrangler, Mavi, Etam, Jeans Gallery, Factory, Atrio and also during online shopping, at www.dressup.ge.
How do I get the card?
Any customer who spends 150 GEL or more in any of the following stores; Levi’s, Guess, Lacoste, GANT, Tommy Jeans, Kid's Gallery, Jack & Jones, Greyder, Lee & Wrangler, Mavi, Jeans Gallery, Factory, Atrio or during online shopping at www.Dressup.ge, can get the card (in case of online shopping, you will get the card with your order).
Important Terminology:
Acquirements – Sum of the money you have spent at Dressup Group stored during different times.
Sale - Discount percentage you have based on the accumulated acquirements and which is subtracted from the product price while making a purchase from the new collection at the receipt.
Point – Percentage of total acquirements cost, which is deposited at your Dressup Card account, while making a purchase from the new collection. With your collected points, you can make any purchase at Dressup Group Stores. 1 point = 1 GEL
What are the structure and accumulation levels of the card like?
- Dressup Card has two functions, accumulation and discount. Based on the sum of the purchases, appropriate points are deposited on your Dressup Card and discount percentage is determined:
The card has four levels. One is transferred to a new level based on the sum of acquirements.
- Discount and/or point percentages increase after being transferred to a new, higher level.
- It is important to use the card while making purchases from both, new and on-sale products. The money you pay is accumulated in your acquirements.
- While being transferred to the 4th level, you automatically become the owner of Premium Card, which offers 15-20% Discount and periodically exclusive offers for holders of premium cards only.
How do I benefit from Dressup Card advantages?
- While making any purchase, before paying, present your card at the POS or simply tell your personal ID or your Dressup Card number to the store employee.
- Full cost of the payment is reflected on your card account, in “Acquirements”.
- Based on the information in “Acquirements”, your discount and percentage of points are determined (view chart 1).
- Accrued points will be reflected momentarily and will be activated during 3 working days.
- Discount is on and Points are collected while buying new collections, which are not on sale.
E.g.: Let's say, you already have Dressup Card, you use it actively during every purchase and your accumulated acquirements are within 501-2000 Gel (so you are on 2nd Level). In this case, you have 5% Discount, which will be subtracted from product price and 4% of the amount paid will be added to your card as points. So, generally speaking, in the case of 500 Gel purchase, you pay 475 Gel and 19 Gel is accrued to your account as collected points.
How do I use points on Dressup Card?
- With your points, you can choose any product as a gift in the following stores; Levi’s, Guess, Lacoste, GANT, Tommy Jeans, Kid's Gallery, Jack & Jones, Greyder, Lee & Wrangler, Mavi, Jeans Gallery, Factory, and Atrio.
- To get your chosen product as a gift, you need to have points equal or more to product’s cost (1 point = 1 Gel)
- You can choose any product, from new as well as “on-sale” collections as your gifts (except products being on temporary sale).
- Only holders of Dressup Card can use the points on his/her card, after presenting his/her ID Card.
How long is Dressup Card valid?
- Effective period Dressup Card is unlimited;
- If there's no activity with the card during one year, card is terminated
- One month before the card termination, customers will be notified.
- In the case of card termination, acquirements, discount percentage and collected points are all annulled.
What do I do if I lose the card?
- In case of losing the card, you should visit any store by Dressup Group and you should have your ID Card with you.
- During Card restoration, you maintain accumulated acquirements, therefore loyalty levels and collected points as well.
Additional information about terms and conditions for using the card:
- Having a discount and collecting points are only possible while buying products from new collections, which are not on sale.
- In case of return of products, which increased your acquirements and collected points on the card, given points will be automatically annulled.
- Dressup Group has rights to make any changes with the card or terminate the product. In case of any such activity, you will be warned in advance.
- Any update about card conditions will be listed on the website card.dressup.ge
- In case of any additional questions, please view contact page: Link