Exciting News from Dressup.ge: Introducing New Service - TryOn

At Dressup.ge, we have exciting news for everyone! Our customers can now select different products or various sizes of the same product on the website and pay for the desired items at home, after comfortably fitting them.

If you reside in Tbilisi and enjoy online shopping, this service will significantly simplify your shopping experience.

At Dressup.ge, you can choose a maximum of 5 different items (by different items, we also mean various sizes of the same product), pay only the shipping fee, and await your order. The Dressup Courier will deliver the purchase to you and wait while you try on the received products comfortably and without haste. Afterward, you can pay for the items you decide to keep on the spot by card.

In this blog, everyone's favorite influencer, Sally Mosulishvili, will share her experience with the new service.

What are the benefits of this service?

Online shopping has always been very convenient for me, but I've often struggled with choosing the right size, which has caused quite a few problems. Since changing the size of items usually adds an additional 1-2 working days, I believe the "TryOn" service will completely eliminate this issue. It allows customers to easily solve the biggest inconvenience associated with online shopping by ordering all the sizes they desire and paying for the desired item or size on the spot, after comfortably trying them on at home.

How practical was it for you to use this service?

It was very practical. As I mentioned earlier, online shopping is especially convenient for me. Since I often need to and prefer to stay at home during the day, having the option to shop from home with Duda seemed like a perfect solution, even though I sometimes struggle to find the right size. The "TryOn" service completely solved this problem for me. The courier delivered the order to me and waited for half an hour while I tried everything on and made a decision. The best part is that you don't have to pay in advance, only if you decide to keep something.

In your opinion, how much will such a service make online shopping easier for you in the future?

I believe it will not only make online shopping easier for me but also for everyone else, and it will solve a significant problem. While online shopping in Georgia may not be as developed as it is abroad today, one of the main reasons for this is the terribly long and problematic return and exchange processes. A service that allows you to receive all the items you're interested in and pay only after you've made a decision will undoubtedly solve this problem and significantly improve the quality of the online shopping experience.

Would you recommend this service to people around you?

Absolutely. Especially to those who have a lot of work to do at home or simply enjoy being at home. 

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