Something you’ll see a lot of this season (and beyond) is Cottonized Hemp. Why hemp? Because compared to cotton, it grows quicker, uses less water and leaves behind cleaner, healthier soils. Specially designed for Levi’s®, this new innovative hemp yarn is soft like cotton — and easily woven into denim styles. So you get the same authentic Levi’s® look and feel in a garment that’s easier on the environment.
It’s that easy. Well, sort of. While, it’s definitely easy to wear, a lot of work goes into the making of Cottonized Hemp that you’d never know from just feeling it.
Levi’s partnered with fiber technology specialists to create a “cottonization” process that softens the hemp fiber to make it look, and more importantly, feel almost indistinguishable from cotton. Bonuses on bonuses: Hemp also uses less energy and fewer chemicals to grow than cotton.
Whatever style you choose, we want to see how you sustainably #LiveinLevis
View: Levi's Hemp Collection